From fire on to emergence

From Fire On to Emergence is a painting that I created during 3 years. The first layers had ashes and charcoal. Someone told me that it will be good for me to “Fly On”. While I was creating this piece with the ashes and charcoal of a sacred fire we lit in Embercombe, what wanted to be written was “Fire On”. And then as time passed more things wanted to be added to the canvas. One of them was the Vesica Piscis from Glastonbury.

This is a piece that I had the privilege to watch from my seat at the dinner table for a few months. But she enchanted Luke, when he came with his mother to buy a painting for his father. And a few months after, he just came to pick her up. She is now looking at him in his bedroom. And her Life and adventure continues.


Paris 2022


Fuerteventura 2022